
Celestial Channel and Quantum Healer

Hi, I'm Ray of Avalon!

I’m so happy that you’ve found your way here! As a Central Coast Quantum Healer, I offer a range of multi-dimensional healing services designed to help you reconnect with your true self and achieve balance in your life.

With over 30 qualifications in various healing modalities, my journey has been guided by my soul to offer unique healing experiences. Through my soul’s gifts, I channel healing energy using voice, singing, toning, coding, and light language.

I have a special ability to connect with your energy as if it were my own, providing deep insights and messages from your soul. My work focuses on removing imbalances, blocks, trapped energy, and limiting beliefs to help you achieve profound healing.

Explore my Central Coast Healings, Online Healings, Memberships, Etsy Shop, and Direct Shop to find the perfect way to work with me.

Join my mailing list for monthly updates on new offerings and special events.

You can explore some of these offerings through local face-to-face appointments, online sessions, group events, and via my online shops. I am honored to be able to serve internationally.

Working on a soul level in your Akashic Records bypasses the human (ego) mind, resulting in deep and powerful healing. 

If you’re ready to embark on a true healing journey, I would love to be of service to you!

My driving force is a deep passion for unlocking your innate intelligence and awakening dormant DNA particles within you. 

Through the transformative practices of Quantum & Spiritual Healing, I am dedicated to compassionately empowering you on your personal journey of self-discovery and growth.

My vision is to co-create a harmonious and awakened world where each individual radiates their true potential. Welcome to Find Your Ray, where together, we embark on the path to enlightenment.


To the collection of ways to work with me

Mind Reset Healing

Welcome to the complete stillness of this powerful healing of your Mental Mind.

Perfect for those with an overly active mind to create that inner-harmony and mental reset.

Let Ray take you to a deep and relaxing state of being, where your body relaxes and your mind stills.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $150

Click Here

Soul Cleanse Healing

Welcome to the complete stillness of this powerful healing of your Deep and Powerful Soul Cleanse.

Perfect for when you soul feels tired and weary due to life experiences.

Let Ray take you to a deep and relaxing state of being, where your body relaxes and your mind stills.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $150

Click Here

Emotional Reset Healing

Welcome to the complete stillness of this powerful healing of your Emotions.

This healing allows for a complete emotional cleanse and reset for you..

Let Ray take you to a deep and relaxing state of being, where your body relaxes and your mind stills.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $150

Click Here

Toxic Reationship Healing

Welcome to the complete stillness of this powerful healing of your Relationships, from family to friends, colleagues, neighbours and lovers.

Release karma, misaligned soul contracts and repeating toxic cycles - it’s time for change!

Let Ray take you to a deep and relaxing state of being, where your body relaxes and your mind stills.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $150

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Celestial Transformative Healing

Let Ray take you on a journey outside time and space, through all your lifetimes for a deep and powerful soul healing.

Using her Innate fully activated soul gifts of channeling for the higher realms you’ll be amazed by this magical experience.

This healing truly has to be experienced to be fully understood.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $220

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Mind Reset Healing

Welcome to the complete stillness of this powerful healing of your Mental Mind.

Perfect for those with an overly active mind to create that inner-harmony and mental reset.

Let Ray take you to a deep and relaxing state of being, where your body relaxes and your mind stills.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $150

Click Here

Soul Cleanse Healing

Welcome to the complete stillness of this powerful healing of your Deep and Powerful Soul Cleanse.

Perfect for when you soul feels tired and weary due to life experiences.

Let Ray take you to a deep and relaxing state of being, where your body relaxes and your mind stills.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $150

Click Here

Emotional Reset Healing

Welcome to the complete stillness of this powerful healing of your Emotions.

This healing allows for a complete emotional cleanse and reset for you..

Let Ray take you to a deep and relaxing state of being, where your body relaxes and your mind stills.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $150

Click Here

Toxic Reationship Healing

Welcome to the complete stillness of this powerful healing of your Relationships, from family to friends, colleagues, neighbours and lovers.

Release karma, misaligned soul contracts and repeating toxic cycles - it’s time for change!

Let Ray take you to a deep and relaxing state of being, where your body relaxes and your mind stills.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $150

Click Here

Celestial Transformative Healing

Let Ray take you on a journey outside time and space, through all your lifetimes for a deep and powerful soul healing.

Using her Innate fully activated soul gifts of channeling for the higher realms you’ll be amazed by this magical experience.

This healing truly has to be experienced to be fully understood.

This is a 1 hour Full Experience healing Exchange: $220

Click Here
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Book In Directly

If you are unable to find a suitable time or have questions please call or email me.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I am so blessed to have so many wonderful clients leave reviews for me, in total I have over 300  reviews

How to connect with me

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