
What is a body wall and how does it affect you?

So this is going to sound a little strange, but most things in the energy world do when you hear it for the first time.

👉 You know that time you thought you looked fat in those jeans? 

👉 Remember the time your love handles stuck out over the side of your undies in that dress?

👉 The time you went to the beach and you your legs wobbled when you walked?

Your body remembers all of these moments, and have stored them in your body-wall. 

Body walls are pockets of trapped emotions stored in your energy field that block you from losing weight.

It’s highly likely that you have a lot of moments where you haven’t felt great in your body which has caused you to trap an emotion in your body-wall unconsciously.

Here is an example of some trapped emotions that could be lodged in your body-wall…





◾Low Self Esteem

















Doesn’t sound nice does it? Can you imagine carrying that around with you everywhere you go? 

It’s not uncommon for people with body-walls to start to do some form of exercise or diet  to make themselves feel better and to lose motivation within a few weeks.

This is because no matter what they do, they are still carrying these pockets of trapped emotions from past memories around with them.

So how do you remove a body wall?

👉 First we need to know what we’re dealing with

👉 Have Ray complete a body-wall evaluation report (It’s free – here)

👉 If it is no longer serving you, it’s time to let that shit go!